Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cloth Diaper Babies - Wool cloth diaper covers

Wool diaper covers are one of the best covers you can use they are amazing cute and comfortable. They can be a bit expensive but they are so worth it the are a life savor i would use those over any diaper cover any time. You can get them in many different sizes, colors and patterns and can get many different brands. They are great to have and i recommend you trying them if you have not already tried them I think that you will enjoy them! a good plays to look is a site called diaperswappers.com you can get them used and new there you can also get other diapers new and used there too. well i sure hope this was helpful!

Happy cloth diapering!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Cloth Diaper babys - Happy Heiny's

Happy Heiny's are one of the most used Cloth Diapers,they are easy to use they do not leave red mark around the legs they are very easy to clean,you may stuff them with what ever you like and they will dry as quick as you have ever seen. You can reuse them many times and they are great you can get them in many different sizes and patterns the prises on them range from $10-$20 dollars new and sell pretty quick used... these are very great diapers and are pretty cheap!

Happy Cloth Diapering!

Friday, May 1, 2009

good cloth diaper patterns?

Ok so I am looking for a good clothdiaper pattern do you have an recommendations?


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cloth diaper babies - Thirsties

Hi there I would like to share with you a little about another brand for you Cloth Diaper Babies it is called "Thirsties" they are a great Brand to use on your Cloth Diaper Babies.
They are reusable and comfortable for your Cloth Diaper Babies.
And they are cheap diapers for your Cloth Diaper Babies
cheap means more money to pay bills.
And they come in diffrent sizes and colors as well as patterns.
Hope this was helpful.

Cloth diaper babies - bumGenuis

Another good cloth diaper is bumGenuis. It comes in all shape and sizes.
As well as colors and patterns. And they are cheap you can get for as low as
$5.00 - $10.00.
Is that cheap or what you can get ones with covers and and ones that you have to buy a cover for.
I prefer the ones with built in covers. And it will make you cloth diaper babie happier than ever. And it will put nore money in the pocket.
Cloth diaper babies Rock!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cloth diaper babies - Fuzzi Bunz

If you are a cloth diapering mother I would recommend the
Fuzzi Bunz they are a very good brand.
They are made for all sizes and are pretty cheap too they do not leak and are a good any time diaper they are comfortable so you don't have to worry about whether it is to tight or not tight enough. no more worrys and a happy baby what more could you want.
Hope this was helpful and you can buy these diapers at the adds that are on the side of my page.

Cloth diaper babies- Cloth diapers

Cloth diaper babies are truly happier babies I think.
Because cloth diaper babies have a reason to be happy. They don't
have to wear nasty disposable diapers.
And if you are going to use cloth diapers I would use brands such as
Fuzzi Bunz, Thirsties, and bumGenius. You can find all of these on www.diaperswappers.com. There are also patterns that you can get for free to make your own cloth diapers like my mom and I have. Making cloth diapers is easy once you understand it.